Nurtured Baby introduces Nature Baby class.

As an instructor in baby massage,  I have now started  a new and unique class for parents and babies – Nature Baby.

Through working with parents online over lockdown, I came to understand that postnatal mental health is something that needs prioritised in these uncertain times.

New parents, who can be vulnerable and isolated at the best of times, have had to make some of the biggest compromises during this pandemic. They have had scans alone, needed to shield during pregnancy, seen birthing plans thrown out, reduced post-natal care, and no visits from family. These forgotten mums need support.

I was determined to find a solution, and I came up with Nature Baby, an outdoor class for new parents.

Nature Baby is a class that taps into the relaxing and healing power of nature.  It blends forest-bathing, mindfulness and babywearing, to help parents safely come together, find peace and bond with their babies.

I held a taster class last week and the mums were delighted to make contact and chat with other mums, who were having similar experiences.  Connection is vital and this combined with the beauty of our natural environment can really help new parents.

Classes run in Dunnottar Wood.  For more information email or book our next classes at