Scrolling through all the photographs of Scottish children returning to schoolt today, got me thinking about how this day effects me.
This year as I see one off to P6, one to S4 and one still in bed awaiting college at the end of the month, it made me realise how this day for over 13 years has been a real marker for my year.
It is a time of change, some years this has seemed huge such as the year they start school or move to secondary. Other years it has been a more gentle shift, but it marks another year if your children growing and your evolution as a parent.
Each year I have tried to take sometime just to revaluate where I am and where I want to me. It is a great time to start journaling or take some quiet time.
Walking, gardening, drinking tea and journaling, be kind to yourself this week. Slow down and let yourself flow gently into change.

- Hello – I’m Nicole Hepburn, mother of three and owner of Nurtured Baby. I am a baby massage instructor and specialise in cloth nappies and babywearing – working with families for over 10-years.