Nappy Liners

Little Lamb Fleece liners

Nappy Liners do I need them? 

What are they for? 

Fleece or paper?

These are questions asked regularly on facebook pages and at cloth nappy consultations.  So in order to find out a bit more I asked members of a local cloth nappy facebook group what nappy liners they used.

The results came out with fleece liners being the most popular.

Fleece – 51 votes

Disposable – 7 votes

No Liner – 2 votes

What do nappy liners do?

Nappy liners have three main functions.  The first is to catch any solids, this is only really relevant to older babies.  The second is that they keep babies bum a bit drier by providing a layer between they wet nappy and the skin.  Thirdly they help keep your nappies a little bit cleaner.

Do I need nappy liner?

The simple answer is NO!  Nappy liners are not required and some people choose not to bother, this is especially common in early days.

“I didn’t use anything when she was newborn because of breastfeeding poop.”

Fleece versus paper

According to my survey fleece is the more popular choice and there are a number of reason for this:

  • Paper liners have to be disposed off, whereas fleece can be washed.
  • Fleece liners are softer next to babies skin.
  • Fleece liner provide a better barrier between the nappy and skin.
  • Paper liners have a tendency to crumple up.
  • Fleece liners are better to use if you are using a nappy cream.

Make your own

Little Lamb Fleece liners proved to be popular on my survey, but it also revealed that many people make their own.

This is really simple and cost effective, especially if you have an abundance of fleece blankets.  Just cut your fleece to the required shape, oval and hourglass are favourite, but some people like the liners to cover the whole nappy area.

Once cut to shape that’s it – fleece doesn’t need hemming so no sewing skills required.

“I have some Little Lamb ones for night but during the day I use homemade.”

“I bought a fleece blanket from a pound shop and cut into 12 – bargain!”

Things to remember about paper liner.

  • Do not flush paper liners
  • You can compost paper liners
  • Do not double them up.  If they are large cut to size.

To find out what your prefer visit for both fleece and paper liners.