It is International Day of Infant Massage and Nurturing Touch!
The purpose of this celebration is to promote and raise awareness about the importance of nurturing touch in the process of bonding and attachment.
June 7th was chosen as the “International Day of Infant Massage and Nurturing Touch” in honour of Vimala McClure’s birthday. She was the pioneer in establishing a baby massage program and the founder the International Association of Infant Massage, in 1976.
As I have been training and teaching infant massage for over a year and practicing it within my family for over 14 years – this celebration has made me think about what baby massage means to me as a mother and instructor.
Parents today are constantly on the go, constantly connected…with each year our lives become more hectic and our growing reliance on the technology has become imbedded in the everyday.
In the moment..
We are always ‘doing’ and have lost the art of ‘being’.
To me baby massage is about being in the moment with your baby.
Learning the skills to give your child the gift of relaxation – what more precious gift can there be in this hectic world.
The gift of massage can be practiced as your child grows keeping open those channels of communication and that special bond that can so easily slip away as we are busy ‘doing’.
Key to my massage classes is looking at techniques for parents to relax, and we share in class different methods of coping with the challenges of being a new parent.
Baby massage for me as a parent and a mother is about getting back to basics, communicating through touch and taking a step back from our busy lives.
Find out more about baby massage and dates for courses here.