Baby Massage and leaky boobs!


Leaky boobs, little or no sleep…. this was how I was to make my entry in my new social circle at baby massage class.

A little over 14 years ago, I made my tentative first steps into the social life of a new mum. I was completely out my comfort zone. I wasn’t from the town I now lived in. Until now my life had been wrapped up in my career – this was unfamiliar territory.

Getting out.

So, with the help of some dry shampoo and a shot of caffeine. I managed to get my bundle packed in the pram and head off to the baby massage class. I had reluctantly signed-up when the visitors dried up – I had to get out the house and meet people or I’d have gone mad!

Walking to the centre my head was spinning, where was I going to put the pram? Would I be able to feed in front of other mums? What if I had to change an awful nappy? Would people like me?

Putting all my worries out my head I power-walked to the centre, parked the pram with ease and walked in.

New friends.

I was immediately greeted with a warm welcome and a calm, relaxed environment. I sat down with the other mums and got myself comfy, and as the class progressed I completely relaxed, forgetting all the worries I had before.

As the 5-week course continues I got to know the mums: we laughed, we shared, my boobs leaked, and another mum handed me a pad! I fed in class, at some sessions my baby wasn’t up for massage and cried, but the instructor and other mums didn’t bat an eyelid.

This was my first experience of baby massage. An oasis of calm, no judgement and an opportunity to ease myself into my new role as a mum.

Calm and secure.

At Nurtured Baby I have kept true to these values. My classes are small, with the focus on relaxation for both you and baby. Babies can attend my baby massage classes from birth, and I welcome early babies. It is important not to over stimulate with lights and loud music, so I create a calming and secure space. During each class there is time set aside to discuss parenting topics, many initiated by the parents who attend.

Becoming a new mum is daunting. Toddler groups are …well, you assume they are for toddlers (they aren’t you can take babies!). Large sensory and musical franchise classes can seem intimidating.

Baby Massage provides that perfect stepping stone to get you out the house and into a new social life. id I mention that your produce the love hormone oxytocin during baby massage?  This stimulates your milk let-down – so be assured you are never alone!

To find out more about baby massage classes visit Nurtured Baby.